Breast Augmentation

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon located in Albertson, NY

Breast Augmentation

When performing breast augmentation, board-certified plastic surgeon Lawrence Sirota, DO, and the professional team at Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Albertson, New York, want to accentuate your and improve your body’s symmetry. They personalize your surgical plans to meet your needs and goals. Are you considering breast augmentation? Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.

Breast Augmentation Q & A

I have asymmetrical breasts. Do I need breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the size and shape of your breasts. Dr. Sirota is recognized as a leader in breast surgery and could recommend breast augmentation to improve symmetry if you have different sized breasts.

People want breast augmentation for many reasons. Dr. Sirota often performs this procedure on people who have:

  • Breasts they consider too small
  • Changes in the shape or size of their breast following pregnancy
  • Deflated breasts following weight loss

Dr. Sirota can combine breast augmentation with a breast lift for people with drooping breasts to get the best results.

What are the best implants for breast augmentation?

Dr. Sirota will discuss the different types of implants for breast augmentation. Saline and silicone breast implants are FDA-approved and safe, and both come in different sizes and shapes.

Saline breast implants

Saline is a liquid consisting of sodium chloride and water. Saline implants are safe and placed using a small incision.

Silicone breast implants

Silicone is a gellike substance that feels more like natural breast tissue. These implants are safe but require routine MRIs to inspect the implants’ shells for leaks. Dr. Sirota also needs to make a larger incision to place silicone implants.

When selecting your breast implant, you also need to consider size and shape. Dr. Sirota will help you determine your breast implant size based on your body proportions and desired look.

Breast implants are round or shaped (tear-drop). Dr. Sirota prefers round implants because they act like shaped implants but look more natural when you’re lying down.

What happens during breast augmentation?

Dr. Sirota performs your breast augmentation surgery at an outpatient surgical center. The procedure takes about two hours, but you can expect to remain at the center for several hours.

You’re given a general anesthetic for breast augmentation so that you stay asleep during surgery. 

You spend time in the recovery room after breast augmentation to be monitored and to allow the anesthesia to wear off. Dr. Sirota then sends you home.

When can I go back to work after breast augmentation?

Recovery from breast augmentation varies, but you could return to work within a week. You can resume most of your physical activities within two weeks. But Dr. Sirota recommends avoiding strenuous exercise for six weeks.

Call Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery today or schedule your breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Sirota using the online booking tool.