
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon located in Albertson, NY


Liposuction is a surgical body contouring procedure that removes stubborn fat pockets from various parts of the body. Board-certified plastic surgeon Lawrence Sirota, DO, and the skilled team at Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Albertson, New York, perform liposuction to eliminate unwanted fat and create a more pleasing body shape. Call today or use the online booking tool to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sirota to learn more about liposuction and how it can help you achieve your beauty goals.

Liposuction Q & A

I can’t get rid of my love handles. Can liposuction help?

Liposuction removes unwanted fat pockets from the body, including love handles (the extra fat on the hips). Though liposuction reduces body fat, it’s not a weight loss surgery.

You must be in good overall health, have good skin tone, and be at your ideal body weight to get the best results from liposuction. Though you can get liposuction if you have a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9 (overweight), you might not get the desired results.

Dr. Sirota doesn’t recommend liposuction if you have a BMI of 30 (obesity) or higher because the procedure’s risks outweigh the benefits. He could suggest you consider weight loss surgery first to get to a more ideal weight before getting liposuction.

What happens during liposuction?

Dr. Sirota personalizes your liposuction treatment based on your beauty goals. He performs the procedure in an outpatient surgical center. You’re given a general anesthetic, so you remain asleep during the procedure.

Dr. Sirota marks the area of the body he plans to treat with circles, creating a map. He makes small incisions and inserts an injection cannula (hollow surgical tube) to administer fluids with a local anesthetic and adrenaline (tumescent technique) into the fatty tissue.

This technique is essential to liposuction because it minimizes bleeding, bruising, and pain after surgery.

Dr. Sirota then inserts a suction cannula and moves it back and forth under the skin to loosen and suction out the fat. The procedure takes 30 minutes to three hours. Dr. Sirota might include other procedures during your liposuction, like a tummy tuck or breast augmentation.

You then go to the recovery area for monitoring. Once Dr. Sirota determines you’ve suffered no ill effects from the surgery, he sends you home. Have someone drive you home following liposuction, and take it easy the rest of the day.

What can I expect during recovery from liposuction?

You can expect to feel sore immediately following your liposuction. The Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery team wraps the treated area in a pressure garment to minimize discomfort and help heal. Stiffness eases within a week, and bruising within two weeks.

You might be able to return to work within a week. Though walking is encouraged immediately following liposuction, Dr. Sirota recommends you wait at least three weeks before resuming strenuous physical exercise (high-impact aerobics).

Call Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery today or schedule your liposuction consultation online.